Friday, May 27, 2022

Who Am I to Fudge?


Tonight Tiffy couldn't talk like we usually do, so when my neighbor asked if Travalon and I would go to a fish fry with her, I said yes. She is a very recent widow (and her husband died on her birthday last month), so she could use a little company. It was a beautiful evening, so after the fish fry, Travalon and I went out on the dock. There were a couple of birds there really swooping around - I think they were Eastern kingbirds but am awaiting confirmation from the Hive Mind. Travalon didn't see the birds at first, so he handed me his camera to take a picture of one, and it actually turned out okay.

Then the bird came closer, and he got a better photo.

Here it is from the side.

This is a sailboat with a colorful sail that we have never seen in the neighborhood before. We couldn't tell from our angle if it was a catamaran, since they are usually the ones that have such colorful sails.

Here is our buddy again. I was thinking he was either a kingbird or a tyrant flycatcher, but it turns out I would be right either way, since a kingbird is a species of tyrant flycatcher.

Just then, a great blue heron flew right over us!

And these red-winged blackbirds kept landing really close to us and letting us know how annoyed they were that we were on "their" dock. I told Travalon that we may think to ourselves that we pay the condo fees and they don't, but if they could talk they would just say they fought for this piece of territory and we didn't. So there. I love how there's an American flag in the background, like this bird is patriotic or something. It almost seems like a satire photo - instead of a bald eagle in front of the flag, it's the peskiest bird species ever!

I was reading a post on social media by a guy who said gun lovers border on idolatry, and another guy took umbrage with his judgment and said (among other things), "Don't be an unappointed fudge." Maybe this was just spellcheck, because this guy also wrote Moloch as "Molong," although my spellcheck does recognize Moloch and not Molong, and judge and fudge are both legitimate words, so why would it change one to the other? Anyway, don't fudge me for laughing at this guy!

Famous Hat

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