Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Ode to Sleep


Today I read an article that says scientists have finally nailed down the exact amount of sleep people need: seven hours. I could have told them that, because that is how long I sleep by nature. My FitBit was set to yell at me if I didn't get eight hours, but I only sleep for eight hours when sleep-deprived, so I set it for seven hours and now it's usually happy with me. It's been a while since I waxed poetic, so here's an ode to sleep:

My needs aren't too deep,

Just seven hours of sleep,

Because eight is too much for me,

And six leaves me like a zombie.

I could do it every night,

If I didn't have to fight

With Boethius and his slog

Posting photos on my blog.

Why must he be so slow?

Where does all the time go?

How is it after eleven?

Now how will I sleep for seven?

Suddenly I hear "beep beep,"

And I got only six hours of sleep,

But if I can patiently wait,

Then on Saturday I can sleep late.

So now I'll wrap up this rhyme

And get into bed on time

So that tomorrow doesn't come too soon

And leave me sleepy by noon.

Famous Hat