Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Acing My Language Lessons Tonight


I have very little to blog about today, since I worked from home and didn't leave the house because it was so cold out. I didn't go for walks on my breaks, which was hard for someone like me who loves to be outdoors, and I felt under the weather and didn't go to Adoration tonight either. Which was a problem, because Cecil Markovitch has the adoration hour right after mine, and he brought a present for me to bring to the wedding in Florida, but of course I wasn't there for him to hand it off. It's okay, he lives across the hall from Kathbert, and at some point I have to go to her house to drop off some delicate plants for her to babysit, so then I can just pick up the gift.

Here are two dragons we got a Hmong stand at either a local festival or the Farmers' Market. I can't remember.

Despite not running on all cylinders today, I was doing well with my French lessons:

Then I did an Irish lesson and got 100% on that too, which is not my usual score in Irish, but Duolingo didn't make me a handy little brag sticker about that. Oh well, I know I aced Irish, and now you do too.

Famous Hat

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