Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Typical Tuesday


Today I worked from home and went to adoration, which isn't that exciting except that I had the secret code to open the back gate on our church's parking lot... but the person who told me forgot a crucial piece of information. So I frantically called Rich, who helped me. I did take a picture of Chelveston, whose name I had not settled on, but Travalon said, "What? I thought we decided that was his name!" So here is what he looks like in non-black light.

Pretty cute, huh? He's like that riddle: which is Chelveston, the chicken or the egg? Speaking of cute, the cranes have two colts (that has always struck me as weird - I want to call them chicks), and while I was out walking with my neighbor, she took a bunch of photos of them. She said she would send me the best one, but perhaps they were all bad, because she sent nary a one. She did send this photo of an iris.

And you know what else? It's always a good time for some DuoLingo bragging!

Speaking of which, it's getting late so I should get off the computer and do my DuoLingo for the evening. It got so late because I had to water the plants and do my ten minutes of cleaning, which is making a real difference. Good news! Both my purple oxalis and my polka-dot plant, which both seemed to be dead for quite a while but I still kept watering them, are coming back to life. No sign of life from my big ficus that seems to have died, but I watered it today just in case.

Famous Hat

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