Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Lost Llama Poem of Hardingfele

Hardingfele wanted to know why I didn't mention the llama poem she wrote for me when I blogged about my birthday party. The answer: I was going to devote an entire post to it. However, the poem has been lost and exists only in memory. Here's how it went down:

About a week before my birthday, Hardingfele asked me to make a wish list of the ePlush animals I wanted, which she then promptly lost. She did remember the llama was on it, being (as my faithful readers may remember) my favorite animal. (Of course I love rabbits too, but aren't they just really small llamas? Look at their ears!) She looked all over for it and couldn't find it in town, so she won it in an online auction and then wrote me a poem to let me know it would be arriving soon. Sort of an IOU, except it was a UGL - U Get Llama. Unfortunately, she did not save the poem but just printed it out, and I cannot now find the piece of paper.

Here is a reconstruction from Hardingfele's memory:

This plush toy is for Famous Hat
It's not as famous as Buddy the cat
It's in the mail to Tailor's mama
So in a week you'll get a llama

But for something called the "Lost Llama Poem of Hardingfele," that just does not seem epic enough. You would expect something on scraps of parchment or a few hieroglyphs scratched into a rock wall, e.g.:

In the days of the Holy King Loo,
In the land of Kensa Djitha,
When sinners and sages walked with the Gods,
And the [unreadable] sought the mysterious
Llama of Hardingfele,
There came from the East men of such appearance
As to frighten all who looked upon them;
And when the King saw them... (fragment ends here)

Canto V

Then there was much feasting in the Halls of Montsharaal,
And the Llama of Hardingfele [unreadable]
That was godes cynig!

Or, you know, something like that.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

The llama and the koala are now in the mail! Should we make this a saga? Eric the red llama or something like that

Famous Hat said...

I told Banjo Player and Palm Tree Fan that I wanted to have a "blog party" sometime. So now we have an activity for it: writing the Epic of the Lost Llama!

Hardingfele and Plysj said...

Now THAT would be awesome!