Monday, February 22, 2010

Bad Mojo Earring

I have a pair of earrings, simple gold hoops which I never take out, and one of them sometimes disappears for days at a time. The first time it did this, I found it at least a month later, simply lying on my bedroom floor in a very obvious spot. I thought, "This can't have been here this whole time! Surely I would have seen it!" But that seemed to be the end of the story.

Two days into my Mexican cruise, the earring slipped away again. I looked everywhere for it and asked Clarion, our Trinidadian housekeeper, to keep an eye out for it, but we had no luck. Then right at the end of the cruise, Clarion said she found it on the bathroom floor... but she cleaned the bathroom every day so she had no idea where it could have been hiding. I said no worries, it had done that before, just vanished and then reappeared somewhere obvious.

"Maybe it goes on vacation," I said.

"That is one bad mojo earring," she said.

I was hoping that my earring had done enough traveling lately, but wouldn't you know that today at work it vanished from my ear. I'll let you know if it ever reappears. (If it does, it's totally grounded.)

Today Toque McToque sent me my horoscope, and I was puzzled by this line: "Be very sweet to your entourage." I'm thinking, what entourage? but today we had five visitors I had to show around so I had a bunch of people following me: an entourage! There was an Asian, a Latina, a North African, a Sub-Saharan African, and a Mideasterner. Two were women and three were men, so my entourage had both genders and all sorts of colors. Right now they are all training in northern states, so I didn't have to apologize for the weather around here. When I said to Toque that if they were my posse and we had theme music, it could be "Let It Snow." She said how about "Let It Snow, Sucka," but it turns out this song does not actually exist... yet. I hope to rectify this situation by the end of the week.

Famous Hat

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