Friday, February 12, 2010

Happy Birthday, Rich!

It may be time to change careers, and not just because, to quote Toque McToque, my workplace is "like Spy vs. Spy without the cool artwork." It seems as if I have a real knack for making people laugh, like the priest whenever I go to Confession. Are my sins that hilarious? or is my delivery that good? Last night I was telling Richard Bonomo (Happy Birthday, Rich!) about my workplace woes, and he was practically rolling on the ground, he was laughing so hard.

"I'm sorry!" he gasped. "I shouldn't laugh! But you should write a book once you get out of there!" Yeah, if I want to get sued. Mentioning work on my blog read by 3.4 people is risky enough. I won't say too much more about this subject except that Toque thinks the title of this book should be All Male Virgos Should Be Drowned at Birth. (I'm pretty safe to say that, since my readership includes no male Virgos. Banjo Player, if you are reading this, we'll make an exception for your husband.)

"That would be a best-seller for sure!" she said. Just so you know, she didn't invent that title but stole it right from one of my email rants.

But this post is actually about Rich, who is an Aquarius, and not how funny I am in Confession or anything like that. Truthfully, I have never had any interest in being a stand-up comedienne, but it can't be any worse than this job! Anyway, that's what I thought last night when Hardingfele and I grabbed a bite at a fast food place before a gig, and we saw an advertisement for managers there promising to pay more than either of us makes currently. Hardingfele likes her job, but I thought hm, I already hate my job AND I make peanuts... maybe I should consider a career in fast food management!

Told you this post was all about Rich. Rich, if you are reading this, I hope you are rolling on the floor laughing and having a great birthday!

Famous Hat

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