Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Free Noodle Day

Just when I had nothing to blog about today, this evening at choir practice someone mentioned that she had heard it was "Free Noodle Day" at the chain restaurant across the street, let's call it Bowl O' Noodles. I was intrigued, as I always am by the possibility of free food, and so after choir practice I convinced Richard Bonomo to cross the street and find out if it really was "Free Noodle Day." There were a number of people ahead of us, considering the late hour, but they all paid for their bowls of noodles. When it was our turn in line, I said to the guy behind the counter,

"This may sound crazy, but I heard-"

"That it's Free Noodle Day?" he finished for me. "Yeah, what is up with that? Someone came in earlier asking about it!"

So no free noodles, but I am intrigued by this rumor: who started it? How many people have fallen for it? Was the person who told us about it the other victim, or was she sitting outside watching us and laughing, and possibly videotaping? And will Bowl O' Noodles ever have "Free Noodle Day" for real?

Famous Hat

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