Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Post*

*PC translation: African-American Friday Post

It's Black Friday, and I am not shopping.  As a matter of fact, I am at my office, playing ePlush and blogging, because I am a very contrary individual.  Since today is a furlough day for state workers, we are not even supposed to show up at work or check email from home.  But I am just physically here; I am not working.  Today I got beaten on ePlush by a hippo named Special (like riding the short bus Special?) but the best was when I got beaten by a chicken named Sunday Dinner.  There is no way a kid named that ePlush!

Yesterday at Chez Bonomo there were 22.5 people at Thanksgiving dinner.  (The baby is the half a person, since he didn't eat anything.)  I had procured a 20-pound turkey (actually 19.9 pounds) and it was picked clean by the end of the night, despite the presence of several vegetarians.  (At least three.)  I mostly talked to Mr. Icon, who had great theological stories.  My two favorites:

Mr. Icon often visits the Jesus People (is this the official name of the group?  I have no idea), who are a bunch of evangelical types.  Last year they had a Good Friday service, which he found surprising enough, but during the Litany (which he said they "borrowed" from the Lutherans), they asked for the prayers of all the saints in Heaven and on Earth.  Did I mention these are Evangelicals?  He sat bolt upright in shock, and the guy next to him, a dyed-in-the-wool Jesus person, noticed his reaction and said, "Dude."

Mr. Icon's friend, who is also Catholic, said during Mass he often felt a movement in his soul, he wasn't saying it was necessarily the Holy Spirit, compelling him to pray for the repose of the soul of Martin Luther.  When he wondered if he should pray for the repose of the soul of John Calvin as well, this same voice - he isn't saying it is necessarily the Holy Spirit - replied, "Don't bother."

Famous Hat

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