Sunday, November 21, 2010

Staycation Update

I am really tired and have five minutes to blog, so who knows how much sense this post will make?  I have already deviated from my staycation itinerary; for example, I did spend a good deal of time on Friday cleaning.  (Friday was my Christmas, since December 25 is on a Saturday this year so we get a floating holiday.)  Then after the rosary with the girls, I ended up talking with Luxuli until 5:30 in the morning about such important topics as people who annoy us.  Luxuli taught me a new insult:  know how a black person who acts too much like a white person gets called an Oreo?  Apparently Asians who act too much like white people get called bananas because they're yellow on the outside but white on the inside.  And what do white people act like?  Apparently we stay up until 5:30 talking trash about annoying people.  But wait, Luxuli did that too, and she's Korean, so does that make her a banana?

Yesterday my besty Tiffy came up and we went shopping.  We didn't see anything too inspiring from a purchasing point of view, other than the necessities I had come to buy (you know, thrilling things like socks), but I did get inspiration for things to have at my department store, should I ever open one.  For example, we saw some simulated diamonds, and I said at my store I would have stimulated diamonds, and if anyone asked me if that was a typo, I would say, "No, ma'am, those diamonds are in a permanent state of arousal."  (Can you see why I do not own a department store?)  Then Tiffy was looking at sunglasses, and I asked if they were polarized.  See, the sunglasses at my department store would be polarized because the left lens would be a Democrat and the right lens would be a Republican.  Then we passed an e - yes, a little clay letter - and I asked Tiffy if she could use an e, but surprisingly she said no.  I said but an e is so useful, it's not like a Q that you would hardly ever use, plus you would have to get the U upgrade to use it.  Maybe at my store I would sell clay X's.  What is the point of X?  If you think about it, what does it do that a KS couldn't do?  Or a Z?  Seriously, can't you read these words?  Taksi.  (That is actually how they spelled it on the taxis in Istanbul.) Zylophone.  Or sometimes X is pronounced "Kriss," as in the word Xmas.  (It must be a word; Spell Check recognizes it.)

Then last night Tiffy and I went to an amazing concert of Bach cantatas, and today we watched our team spank that traitor Brett Favre.  Boo, Brett!

Famous Hat

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