Friday, January 24, 2014

Wedding Shower Dilemma

Once again it’s Friday and I have no idea what to blog about. Light Bright and Tiffy are planning my wedding shower, and Jilly Moose said she would do the invitations, so that’s three Virgos I have working on that project. Of course, now I have to come up with a shower list of no more than 14 people, which is harder than it sounds. It seems as if I should invite people who invited me to theirs, even if we don’t talk much anymore. Of course the Rosary Ladies and Kathbert are a given, and Catzooks and Miss Heartsong should be there too, but what about coworkers? It seems rude not to invite them, but maybe they are going to have a separate shower for me at work, though I doubt it. What about people who didn’t invite me to theirs? Am I relieved of any obligation in this matter? It’s so hard to limit the number of people, but the place I’d like to have it, Macha Tea House, says they can only accommodate groups of 15, and I have to leave space for myself. How embarrassing if I invited so many people that I could not attend my own wedding shower! I guess we could always do it at Rich’s if I really can’t take anyone off the list…

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Hardingfele said...

I say ditch the coworkers. They can have a separate shower for you at work. The hardest part about wedding prep is learning how to say no.