Tuesday, July 29, 2014

More Laundry-Related Excitement

Today’s post is a follow-up to my post about moving my old washer-dryer combo from the old condo to the new one. Last night Richard Bonomo came over and exchanged the outlet so we can plug in the machines successfully. Both machines seem to be working properly; I just need to get a new dryer vent hose and a new agitator, since the old one always pops off and got a blade broken so it would tear my clothes to shreds. Soon we should be able to do laundry at home and not have to risk mysteriously losing it at the Laundromat.

This morning I got a call from the management company taking care of my old condo. There was a leak in my unit dripping down to the unit below. I was puzzled, since I hadn’t seen anything last night while sorting things there, but it turns out it was where the washer-dryer used to be, and I didn’t look back there. They told me the water hadn’t been totally turned off when we disconnected the units, and my rug was totally soaked. They used my shop vacuum to clean up the water and then turned my fan on to dry the carpeting, which is going to be replaced anyway, as soon as I get everything out of there. It’s just nonstop excitement with laundry-related events!

Famous Hat

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