Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Playful Rodney

Yesterday was very hot out, so Travalon didn’t take Rodney the Poodle out for a long walk like he usually does. Late in the evening Rodney was full of pent-up energy, so he was as playful as a puppy, getting Travalon to chase him around. It was very cute. I tried to chase Rodney too, but he just kind of stared at me – not used to Step-Mom playing with him, I guess. He must have kept the game up for a good half hour. Travalon said I should blog about it, so I am.

UGGH Club seems to be on a bit of a hiatus since the Bonomobile died. Now Rich has to rely on Luxuli for a ride, but he insists on starting at the inhumane hour of six am, while Luxuli and I maintain that we can start at 6:30 and get done in time for work. While we are at an impasse, I have been swimming with Travalon. Last night we went to the outdoor pool at our health club, which during the day is full of kids. At that late hour we were the only ones in there, and it was fantastic! Then Travalon found a sign that said the outdoor pool closed just about the time we got there. Oops! As you may remember from last summer, I have a bad habit of swimming after regularly posted pool hours, and so the tradition continues.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Travalon said...

It was really good to see Rodney in such a playful state at his old age, just like a puppy again. Just warms my heart. It gives me hope that he will be around for awhile yet too.