Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Farewell to 2014

So now 2014 is almost over, and what a year it was for me! Here is a brief recap:

January – my birthday party and marriage prep classes
February – the BonomOlympics for Rich’s birthday
March – the start of UGGH Club
April – my wonderful wedding shower at the late, lamented Macha Tea House
May – our perfect wedding and honeymoon in Ireland
June –  Callie’s passing and the tornado that hit Light Bright’s house
July – lots of canoeing and my first time in a decade not participating in Early Music Festival
August – more canoeing and our trip out East for my cousin’s wedding
September – our trip up North during the Labor Day weekend
October – Irish language weekend and the start of the weekly Irish classes
November – my big promotion and raise at work
December – the end of one long-term relationship and the beginning of another, re cars

As you can see, it was quite an eventful year for me, and Travalon too! Here’s hoping 2015 will be another wonderful year for all of us.

Famous Hat

1 comment:

Travalon said...

It was quite a big, eventful, happy life changing ( for the better) year for me also. I think a highlight for June was moving into the new condo and enjoying the beautiful surroundings by the river/lake, marsh- all those warm summer evenings dining or just having drinks outside at the Nau-Ti-Gal or just sitting on the dock of the bay (like Otis Redding) I'd also like to mention I feel that we were bonded throughout summer and fall by swimming at the health club, and even watching tv together;the World Cup, Fat Albert DVDs, and even all the Family Guy episodes. ( sorry, Richard Bonomo) Whatever building a great marriage takes. Famous Hat and I don't do everything together( i.e. she sings X-Mas carols or attends Irish class while I go to H.S. basketball games) but no couple should...there's more to talk about then when we see each other.