Thursday, September 23, 2021

More Stuff Under Blacklight


I am starting to get really fed up with these memes that anti-vaxxers are posting on social media. It's fascinating that they have the freedom to refuse the vaccine, but they don't think we have the freedom to be mad at them for it. Freedom for me and not thee much, anti-vaxxers? Particularly disingenuous are the chastisements of all the people who think anti-vaxxers deserve what they get - how rich to hear that people shouldn't wish others dead from the same people who had no problem with the pandemic when it was mostly killing minorities and people in more densely populated cities. Can we just admit once and for all that both sides suck and wish the other side would die off? And yes, I do in fact hold the right-wingers to a higher standard on this, since they are the ones always blathering about being such good Christians, and as Christians we are called to forgive our enemies, so they have less excuse for wishing their enemies dead than the leftist atheists they hate. Another meme they post: "Why is the government giving out free vaccines but not free chemotherapy?" Tell me you're illogical without saying you're illogical: these are the same people opposed to socialized medicine, which would in fact give people chemotherapy without charging them. And then they wonder why the rest of us are angry at them!

My neighbor joined the secret society I'm in, since she saw how much I enjoy it, and she was at a summit where they got Wonder Marty ornaments to paint. I apologize for not taking a picture of Wooden Wonder Marty pre-paint job, but she said I should give him a tie-dyed stomach, so I did.

And since these were my blacklight paints, he glows under blacklight!

Today I worked from home, and it was autumnal out, so I wore my Galena hoodie. It also glows under blacklight. Apologies for the lousy photo - I may try it again with the light at a better angle.

And yet another rosary that I got at the Willy Street Fair partially glows under blacklight.

And guess what else kind of glows under blacklight? Jer-Bear!

It seems fitting that something named after Jerry Garcia would glow under blacklight. Travalon bought some psychedelic art prints at the Willy Street Fair, and I should at least take photos of them in sunlight, but maybe they glow under blacklight too. That's a post for another time.

Famous Hat

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