Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Great Burgers and Office Tea Party


This evening when Travalon picked me up from work, the traffic was terrible because the students were moving into the dorm across the street from my building. (I used to live in that dorm, and it was very convenient when most of my classes were in that same building.) Then we went home and played tennis. My backhand seemed much improved, but there was a hilarious moment when I hit the ball and couldn't figure out where it went, and Travalon said, "It's stuck in your racquet!" Indeed, it was wedged in the Y-shaped opening between the head of the racquet and the handle. He said I should have taken a picture, but I had already popped it out, and then I couldn't wedge it back in to take a photo for this blog. I thought that might have damaged the structural integrity of the ball, but it seemed to bounce just as well as before its unfortunate entrapment. Not long after that, my right hamstring started to hurt, which it has been doing lately if I do vigorous activity - not right away, but after twenty minutes. We took that as our cue to stop, and after I stretched it, it hasn't bothered me the rest of the evening.

I know I promised my 3.5 faithful readers photos of waterfalls from Travalon's trip, but last night he was so tired that he couldn't remember which waterfall was which, and tonight I am too tired to deal with it. I'll just include a couple of pictures of the restaurant his friend said has the best burgers in the state. Travalon did say they were very good burgers.

And a bonus photo: our previous chair was retiring, so she gave me a teapot and a set of four cups that were in her office. Today when I worked on campus, my colleague who grew up in Shanghai gave me some green tea and jasmine buds to put in the pot, and then I kept pouring the tea in the little cup.

My colleague says the writing on it is a blessing that says something like: "May your blessings be as abundant as the rain and may your life be as long as a mountain's." It says the same thing on both the pot and the cup. So if anyone wants to stop by my office, we can have a little tea party.

Famous Hat

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