Monday, January 24, 2022

Christmas Part Two


Today was my first day back on campus in ages, and of course it was snowing hard this morning. Travalon offered to drive me to work in his four-wheel drive vehicle, but that meant I couldn't just take the bus back to the north transfer point, because my car wasn't waiting there for me. No problem, I would take a bus to Richard Bonomo's house, since plenty go to the south side. I looked online and found the 44 dropped off right near his house, so after work I went to catch it, but it didn't come and it didn't come. Finally a 4 came by, and that goes to the south side so I just took it and walked from the transfer point. I wasn't sure if Rich would be home, so I had brought my diary Mariah to write in while I waited for Travalon to get done with work; but Rich was home and just making dinner, so he fed me a snack. Then Travalon arrived, and Rich made some hot chocolate for him too. (Yesterday in Delafield we bought what I thought was a large bonbon, but when I went to cut it in half, it was full of powder. Only then did I notice that it had directions in the front, and that it was a thing to make hot chocolate, so Travalon put it in his coffee. He said it was delicious.) When Travalon and I arrived at home, there were two packages waiting for him, and he joked that it was Christmas Part Two. The first package was a stuffed Arctic fox that Travalon ordered after we saw such cute ones at the Como Park Zoo.

The second one is a Sinclair sign with a little bird instead of the dinosaur.

He is expecting even more packages, so look for more photos of Sinclair stuff on here.

Famous Hat

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