Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Epic Lotus Battle and Super Blue Moon


The Hive Mind has spoken, and they all think the odd "duck" we saw at Horicon Marsh was a juvenile gallinule:

Yesterday nothing too exciting happened; I worked from home and then went to Adoration. Today Travalon picked me up from work right when I got done, so we got home much earlier than usual and played some tennis. Wow, was I bad! Not that - and I can't emphasize this point enough - I was ever any good, but usually I could at least hit the ball and it would go... somewhere. Today I kept missing. Toward the end I was doing a little better, but then as we got tired, I was worse again, so we quit after almost half an hour. Maybe playing pickleball got me out of "tennis shape," not that I was ever in it to begin with...

Our neighbor did send the photos of us battling the lotuses in our boat. Behold our epic Lotus Battle! (Spoiler Alert: we won.)

The only other exciting thing that happened today was when I asked my colleague if she wanted to walk as usual at lunch, she said the button had come off her pants. (Unlike me, in my light top and shorts, she had checked the weather report before getting dressed this morning.) I asked the coworker most likely to have a sewing kit if she could help us, and she had the most elaborate sewing kit ever. She said she has an even better one at home. I have a very basic one at home and never thought to bring one to work. It took four of us to get the needle container open, but my colleague was able to sew her button back on. She said, "I came to the right department! You have a sewing kit and people that can open it!" So we were able to walk together, after all.
Just now we went out to look at the Super Blue Moon, and Travalon took this photo of it:

It was so beautiful. One of our neighbors said she saw the moonrise as they were driving back home, and it was glorious. I love when the rising moon looks like a big gold coin in the sky.

Famous Hat

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