Thursday, August 31, 2023

Pinocchio Feet


Last autumn I bought new sneakers because my old ones were too beat up and also too tight. At the time I was surprised by what size my feet had become, but the new shoes were big enough and very comfy. They seemed fine every time I wore them, but now all summer I've been wearing sandals, and my feet can spread out as much as they like. Apparently I have Pinocchio feet, because today was a little cooler so I wore the sneaks, and they were too tight! How is this possible? It's like every time I don't do weight training, my feet grow a little, just like Pinocchio's nose grew every time he told a lie. Is there no end in sight? Will I soon have to wear shoes fit for a professional basketball player? This is very mysterious to me, because these shoes aren't even a year old, and they fit perfectly at the time. How much bigger are my feet now? When will this insanity ever end? Is this from walking too much while I weigh too much? At least in the past my Pinocchio feet got too big for the shoes right around the time they were wearing out anyway, but this is a new one for me - the shoes are still in really good shape, but I barely fit into them. So strange!

Famous Hat

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