Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Halfway to St. Patrick's Day 2024


Today I worked from home, and just as I was about to leave for my lunchtime walk, someone buzzed our door. It was the postman, with Jerry the Kraken.

I didn't name him that - if you look online, that's what he's called. He's one of the "plush toys" on the website of another Premier League team that Travalon likes, Crystal Palace. Their mascot is an eagle, as is on Jerry's hat, so I can't explain why they offer a kraken wearing a toque, but I thought he was adorable, and I love the colors, so Travalon ordered him for me a few days ago... and he's here already! He can join Travalon's Crystal Palace bear Roy (which was named by Travalon for a legendary Crystal Palace coach):

Crystal Palace the team is named after a neighborhood in London which was named after the Victorian-era conservatory that is sadly no longer in existence. I remember fondly going to visit the "crystal palace" at Como Park, and this one was far more elaborate. 

After work I drove to Erin's Snug Irish Pub to meet members of the Shamrock Club, and Travalon soon joined us. We had a great conversation about Ireland and Scotland, especially since a couple had just gotten back from there and one of my buddies from going to the Irish play is going next May. I got the loaded colcannon with my bluegill, and I would go back just for that. I have to go back for the Guinness chocolate cake too, which I was too full to try tonight.

There is a very partial lunar eclipse tonight, and I talked a reluctant Travalon into going outside to take pictures of the moon... and then he got really into it and took a whole bunch. It looks like there's a bite out of the top.

I thought I saw faint Northern Lights too, but it was hard to tell with all the light around here. Someone did post gorgeous photos of the Northern Lights on Sunday night, from right around the same time that I was trying to take photos of them, but she lives further north and in a darker area. Maybe she'll post some from tonight too. Travalon also went down to the dock, but he didn't see any himself, so maybe I was imagining it. Maybe someday I'll take a good photo of the aurora borealis.

Famous Hat

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