Thursday, September 12, 2024

Sleeping in the Meeting


Today was just one of those days. Yesterday I struggled to stay awake in a meeting but lost the fight for a few minutes, and this morning my boss was on my case about that, saying usually I'm so professional. Is it unprofessional to fall asleep in a meeting? It would be like farting in a meeting - unless you did it on purpose, it's just an unfortunate physical reaction. But my boss wanted to know what I would do in the future to keep this from happening, and he said better to be caffeinated and have to leave the meeting for a few minutes to powder my nose than to fall asleep in it again. He even said I could take sick time if I didn't feel well, which don't tempt me - every time we have a meeting, I'll be a bit (cough, cough) under the weather. I was actually exposed to COVID on Monday by our student hourly (undergrads are almost as bad as toddlers for being germ vectors), but two days seems too soon for it to manifest with symptoms. Our chair was also all worried, saying yesterday I wasn't my "usual, sparkly self," but that today I was back to normal, which seems odd because my FitBit says I slept unusually well two nights ago and unusually badly last night. It did remind me of that scene in Office Space where the guy forgets and puts a cover page on the memo, and everyone calls him to remind him that they were no longer putting cover pages on memos. 

Though, to be honest, lately I have been struggling to stay awake during my Adoration hour, so maybe there is some deeper issue going on. My brain is also sort of fried because not only is it the start of the semester, so everything's coming at me at once, but I also have a new computer I'm struggling to adjust to, and of course there's my new mode of transportation to get used to. It's a lot for my old brain that is already overloaded with menopause.

As if the day hadn't already been five weeks long, this evening I had to go to a meeting on campus right after work. As I was heading out the door, I saw the shuttle going by at the time it's supposed to but never seems to show up when I'm waiting for it. The meeting was plagued by audio issues, since some of us were in person and some people were on Zoom. At least I thought a package would be waiting for me when I got home, since I'd seen it listed in our daily digest from the Post Office... but in fact it was something for Travalon. Sigh. At least tomorrow I can work from home.

Famous Hat

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