Wednesday, May 13, 2009

More May Flowers

I don't have much blogging time today, so I am just posting some more photos that Palm Tree Fan took. We had plenty of April showers, so now it's time for May flowers!

Figure 1: Hosta Flower

Most people call these flowers black-eyed Susans, but my friend "Ethel," who has brown eyes, insists on calling them "brown-eyed Ethels."

Figure 2: Black-Eyed Susans/Brown-Eyed Ethels

When Palm Tree Fan and I were comparing how adorkable we are, we somehow got on the topic of astrology, and she said her husband is interested in it. He's the only non-animate sign, Libra the Scales. Have you noticed that the other signs are all animals or people? Why are none of them plants? I recently came upon a website called Hortiscope, and it got me thinking about what my plant sign would be. Of course I would prefer to be Palma the Coconut Palm, but who knows? Maybe I would be Ambrosia the Ragweed. (How random that the Latin name for something that makes us all so miserable is "ambrosia," the food of the gods, right?) Actually, it is not random at all; it comes from a Greek word for immortality (though not the super cool word athanatos - I LOVE that word!), because the gods who ate ambrosia were immortal, and as anyone who has ever tried to eradicate it can tell you, ragweed is well nigh impossible to kill.

With her luck, Hardingfele's plant sign would be Alliaria the Garlic Mustard, since she has devoted a good part of her life to the eradication of this pest plant!

Famous Hat


Olivia said...

I hate garlic mustard, why would I want to have a sign with it. A close second is dandelion. Cute and fuzzy yellow when it blooms but then gross when it seeds. It adapts anywhere, it is probably the most versatile plant ever. Here is a recipe for garlic mustard pesto and other stuff to make out of this invasive

Now here is a thought that struck me yesterday. What if our skin was green due to chrolophyll and we could photosynthesize our own food. That would eliminate crops and eating and the byproduct of eating. I think that would be super. Half human and half plant

Famous Hat said...

Somebody never took Botany 101. Plants create waste products during their metabolism just as much as animals do.

Some people believe you move up the chain of animals in reincarnation, so that the most evolved soul would be a human. The next step after that? Plants, of course! They are WAY more evolved than we are!

Olivia said...

But I did take a botany class. There is waste, but not as foul. Titan arum being the exception

Famous Hat said...

I once babysat the Titan Arum for a week when it was just a little baby plant. This was seven years before it bloomed the first time.