Wednesday, April 21, 2010

The Adorable Roots of Indo-European

I have started recording a song on Garage Band called "Salsa Linguistica" (don't worry - you'll be tortured with it sooner or later), and Richard Bonomo mentioned that it really needed animation for the video. I asked if Aquinas his Mac has an animation program, and he said no, the easiest way he knew to do animation was using Power Point. This inspired me to create a Power Point to illustrate the song, and I sent it to Rich, Palm Tree Fan, and Toque McToque, who all thought it was very cute. Toque said I should become a motivational speaker, since they always use Power Point, but I can't even motivate people to read my blog - how would I motivate them to pay me to teach them motivation? I said my dream is to be a professor of Linguistics and use Power Point to adorably illustrate Greek vs. Latin roots. So here is a sample from my proposed class Linguistics 666: The Adorable Roots of Indo-European Classical Languages, with various cute smiley images I stole off the internet.

Tetra vs. Quatro

Dendros vs. Arbor

Hydro vs. Aqua

Thanatos vs. Mortis

Thank you for your interest in Linguistics 666. Next semester I will be offering Linguistics 667: Cuddly Curse Words in P- and Q-Celtic Languages.

Famous Hat

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