Friday, April 23, 2010

The Warlock of Yuk

(with apologies to L. Frank Baum)

Castle Wentworth is a little girl who is washed away by a lake tsunami from her home in Duluth, Minnesota, with her little dog REO Speedwagon (1). She meets up with Trexor the Bagpiper, who just needs some lungs (2), Gary the Accountant who just needs a sigmoid process (3), and Dennis the Monkey King, who just needs a spleen (4). They head off on the Blue Asphalt Road to find the Warlock of Yuk, who will grant them their desires. But when they find him, he shows them that Trexor must always have had lungs, or he could never have played the bagpipes (5); Gary must always have had a sigmoid process, or why would he be spending so much on laxatives? (6); and Dennis doesn’t really need a spleen anyway (7). He tells Castle she can get back to Duluth by clicking together her shiny alexandrite-colored shoes, but Castle realizes she has no interest in going back to Duluth, so she moves to New Orleans with the others, and they all live happily ever after. The End.


1. Like Toto, a crappy 80’s band
2. Gratuitous opportunity to post Larry the Lung again

aka. Scary Larry

3. If you don’t know what this is, try Google
4. Who actually needs a spleen? I mean, what does it do that your pancreas couldn’t handle in a pinch?
5. In German, der dudelsack
6. Made you look
7. Told you so

Famous Hat


Richard Bonomo said...

Doesn't the spleen produce blood? It may be "extra," but it does do something useful.

Hardingfele and Plysj said...

OK this is totally delusional
All you need is a laughin cat!

Famous Hat said...

This is what happens when people who work around doctors get bored.