Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Buddy and Leo: Still Lost Somewhere

Buddy: Dude, where are we? I don’t ever remember seeing that big round thing with the rings on the way to the 7-11.

Leo: Do you think we should ask someone where we are?

Buddy: Leo, we’re GUY dogs! We can’t ask for directions!

Leo: True, that. It’s unmanly, er, undogly – well, you know what I mean. It just ain’t right.

Buddy: Maybe we should call our pet human and mention that we might be delayed. Just don’t use the word “lost,” got it?

Leo: Can’t. Forgot the phone on the kitchen floor… after I chewed it up. I’m thinking it might not work anymore anyway.

Buddy: You chewed up the phone?? Good thing we’re out here in… wherever. What the heck is that swirly thing in the rearview mirror?

Leo: I dunno, Dawg, but check out the giant burning ball on this side of the car!

Buddy: There’s gotta be a fast-food joint around here somewhere. I am jonesin’ for some fries. Have you seen any golden arches out the window?

Leo: No, just this golden, glowing ball of burning helium or whatever that is on my side of the car.

Buddy: Can it talk? Ask it where a couple of hounds can get a burger around these parts.

Leo (rolling down the window): Hey! Hey, YOU!! No, it’s not answering. Phew, the air out there is kind of…

Buddy: Stinky?

Leo: No, I was going to say nonexistent. Maybe I better keep the window rolled up for now. Do we have a map in this car?

Buddy: Check in the glove compartment. I’m wondering if this is Cincinnati? See if there’s an Ohio atlas in there.

Famous Hat


rockstartailor said...

So how would this conversation go if it was Buddy and Vinny, since they are CATS?

I am using rockstartailor because i am too lazy to relog in. This is actually hardingfele and plysj

Famous Hat said...

Give me an awesome doctored photo of Buddy and Vinny in space (or wherever) and I'll show you.