Thursday, February 3, 2011

It Was a Very Good Candlemas

I should have held off on posting Tiffy’s candle pictures until yesterday, for Candlemas. I had a good Candlemas: Light Bright and I left work early, then I went to Mass, where I was handed a lighted candle, and then I slid into the same pew as Richard Bonomo. When we all blew out our candles before the first reading, Rich’s was glued to his finger by melted wax so I was trying very hard not to laugh. Then Rich, Luxuli, her husband, and I went out to eat and that was even funnier.

Luxuli told us that, for women, looking at real estate listings online gives them the same pleasure as men derive from looking at porn online. I just about choked on my gnocchi because my office mate, Light Bright, spends a lot of time at work looking at real estate listings since she is supposedly looking for a house. Hmm… She and our female boss have even discussed house listings. Can you imagine if two men discussed porn at work?? When I told Light Bright about this, she thought it was pretty hilarious, but she said she finds looking at real estate listings more annoying than pleasurable. Then again, she was happy to find out her name on my blog and apparently detected no insult in it, which just goes to show what an appropriate name it is for her.

Speaking of gnocchi, Luxuli called it "little potato balls" so we were joking that she would make it by using a melon ball scoop on a potato.  OK, maybe that's not that funny now, but trust me, it was at the time.

Luxuli asked me toward the end of dinner if I had noticed a change in her mood during the meal, and I said no. She launched into a story about how she is trying to decide between finishing her Master’s degree in mathematics or taking art classes, because some people have been saying she should teach math, and others say she is gifted in art, and- “Wait a second,” I said, “I’m confused. What has that got to do with your mood during dinner?” “I’m getting there,” she said, and her husband said, “She will get there… eventually. Have you ever read The Odyssey?” I said that was so funny I had to put it on the blog – and there it is!

Famous Hat

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