Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Union Busting Is Disgusting!

Last night A-Joz and I made a Holy Hour at Our Lady of Perpetual Sobriety, because if there is one thing I have learned from the Pro-Life Movement, it is that you pray for your enemies before you protest. Then we went up to the Capitol Building, and it was just as crazy as we had heard! People were hanging over all the balconies on every floor, playing drums and vuvuzelas and chanting things like:

Kill the bill!
What’s disgusting? Union busting!
This is what democracy looks like!

And the signs! They were so amazing! I will have to remember to bring a camera tonight. A local pizza joint has been getting orders from all over the world, people paying for us protesters to have a bite to eat. Seriously, Malawi? I didn’t think they could afford to feed themselves, never mind us! This kindness will not be forgotten. And people from Egypt and France and even Pittsburgh with this message: “No hard feelings about the Super Bowl! Keep up the good fight!” This thing has spread way beyond our state now, because they keep saying if we fall, other states will bust their unions too. And then we can all return to the days of working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week, for 35 cents an hour and no benefits. Good times.

Our esteemed governor made a statement on TV last night that didn’t seem to have much of a point beyond proving that he was a total hypocrite: he said that he wants to bust unions because when he had to deal with them on a local level, he would ask them to make concessions and they would say forget it, bring on the layoffs! Yet now the unions are willing to make concessions but he’s saying forget it, I’m bringing on the layoffs! So maybe he thinks we should get rid of governors too. Even Rich, who is a diehard Republican, said: “He wants to implement draconian permanent solutions for temporary problems.” Loser. (The governor, not Rich.) I’m glad he got punk’d by that reporter who showed him up for the psycho union buster he is.

Famous Hat

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