Friday, January 6, 2012

Mayor of Hell

People have been asking me what it was like to be Mayor of Hell, so I figured this would make a good blog post.

6:30 am – got a wake up call from Hell: “The dam water is running over! We’re up to our knees and the dam workers aren’t coming in to fix it! What should we do?” My only suggestion was to find some beavers to patch the dam, but apparently there are no beavers in Hell.

Morning: Rich gave me devil horns and a button proclaiming I was the Mayor of Hell for the day. Then he took a picture of me wearing them. He also gave me a Hell mug, a deed to a square inch of Hell (singed along the bottom) and some dirt from Hell, along with a chemical analysis showing it had high levels of sulfur.

Late morning: Tiffy and I were at a coffee shop when she gave me the Key to Hell.

Lunch: Hell called with another problem – it was cold there! Practically frozen over! What did I plan to do about it? I had no suggestions.

Things were pretty quiet in Hell the rest of the day, but that evening Hell called again to say that while I was having a pretty good day, it was just another day in Hell for them, and I was impeached. Rich gave me a certificate of impeachment (singed along the bottom) and a T-shirt proclaiming that I had been impeached. So that was how it was to be Mayor of Hell for a day. Thanks to all of you who were in on the planning!

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

Someone found how to make a buck on a dinky town. Now where did I go wrong in my business endeavors. Perhaps I should have followed the advice of the headline such as Mystery Lady Priest Smashes Wall Street!

Famous Hat said...

1% of the monsters eat 99% of the cookies! Time for the rest of us monsters to get some cookies too!