Thursday, January 10, 2013

Adorable Beyond Borders

In our bid to finally get a study published, Toque McToque and I have come up with yet another study we plan to do, on whether cuteness is recognized all over the world. The title of our study is "Adorable beyond Borders: Concepts of cute that transcend culture." Then we will show people pictures like this baby platypus drinking milk out of a bowl, which Hardingfele sent to me, and gauge their reactions using an awwwmeter. I am guessing you don’t have to be from Australia to find this cute!

Famous Hat


Anonymous said...

I'd give that a 9 on the 9-10 scale.

Hardingfele said...

And then I find that they are cute AND poisonous, at least the males. But then aren't all males poisonous?!

Famous Hat said...

Travalon isn't poisonous.