Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Trivial Birthday Party

Last night was Mamastep’s birthday, so I joined her and some friends of hers (including a woman I used to be in a writing group with) at the local birthday bar. We played a trivia game, and the name of our team was “Hell Yeah, It’s Her Birthday!” My writing buddy was a HUGE help to us, and I did get a high-point question about what animal can turn its stomach inside-out. (The answer is the starfish.) Travalon joined us partway through, upping the number of males in the group to two. We were in first place going into the final question, but it was about baseball and neither male knew the answer, so we bet no points and just guessed. (We were wrong.) Another team actually knew the answer (name one of two players who played in three consecutive World Series with three different teams, and don’t ask me the answer, I don’t know either player) so we fell to second place, which meant a $20 gift certificate, which meant a free birthday dinner for Mamastep. Since it was a joint effort by all of us at the party, we felt like that was our group gift to her, at least those of us too disorganized to get an actual present before the party.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele said...

I will ask Nylon Buddy and he will provide the answer.

Famous Hat said...

Who is Nylon Buddy and what is the answer?