Thursday, June 13, 2013

Sunglasses Adventure

Yesterday I forgot my Famous Hat and sunglasses in Travalon's car, so this morning when I went to grab them, they were gone. I had been planning to take the bus to work, or at least take the first bus and then walk from the closest stop, since I wasn't sure of the schedule of the bus that goes down the street where I now work. (An excellent bonus of working on Monroe Street: you get 10% off at restaurants on the street.) I had already driven and biked to see how long those options take and was curious about the bus option, which was the one I used most often when heading to my former job. I didn't want to walk all the way down Monroe Street without my Famous Hat and sunglasses, so what I ended up doing was taking my bike on the bus and then biking down Monroe Street to minimize my time out in the bright sun. That is actually an excellent option, and I may be utilizing it often. However, I still need to get home using some combination of biking and riding the bus, so I went in search of sunglasses. Why not have a backup pair, right? (I do have a pair in my car, but since I park under a different building than the one I live in, it would have taken too long to get those this morning.) The first place I went to seemed promising, but they only had $50 sunglasses. The man assured me that these sunglasses would cost $100 in a department store. Knowing how frequently I lose or break sunglasses, I was more in the market for a cheap pair, and luckily further down Monroe Street there is a pharmacy that had just what I was looking for. So now I can ride home knowing my eyeballs will not be scorched by the sun's rays.

Famous Hat

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