Thursday, May 6, 2021

Creatures Frolicking in a Blacklight Landscape


This morning when we came out the door, there were two little birds sitting in front of it. They flew away before Travalon could get a picture of them, but then we saw a baby bird.

I thought at first it was their baby bird, but then Lord Cardinal was squawking at us, and so I think this may be Little Lord Cardinal. Then we went down to the dock, but all we saw was this goose standing in the water.

On a walk later in the day, I saw this lovely peachy tulip..

Tonight I tried posing the little Shrinky Dink creatures in my new landscape painting.

Here I only shifted one thing - the smily face is on the mountain instead of in the sky. I think I kind of like it better there.

The landscape is a lot more interesting with all the little creatures in it. And it's so plain and open that there's a lot more room for more creatures. The last canvas I have is a perfect square, and that would be perfect for Escher-style staircases going every direction, if I am talented enough to execute this. Then the creatures could all be going up or down the stairs, and the potted plant could be decoration. So watch for that.

Famous Hat

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