Wednesday, May 5, 2021

Feliz Cinco de Mayo


This morning we saw Lord and Lady Cardinal again.

We also saw a robin collecting plant material, I'm assuming to make a nest. (I asked Travalon to take this picture.)

Here is the houseplant Shrinky Dink I made. I actually traced it off the cover of a book about houseplants. You can't see it that well in the photo I posted of it sitting on the roof of the Monona Terrace.

I made another blacklight painting. This one seemed less disappointing in natural light than the Monona Terrace one.

However, it seemed less spectacular under blacklight.

That's okay if it's more boring - then the focus will be more on the little creatures posing on the banks of the river, playing in the waterfall, and climbing the mountains. However, it still hadn't dried after two hours, so I haven't put the little creatures on this background yet.

Today Travalon and I met Jilly Moose and OK Cap at the Mexican restaurant not too far from our house, but of course on Cinco de Mayo it had an hour wait. We ended up going to a non-sit-down Mexican restaurant also near our house, where you order from five choices of entrees, five choices of meats, two choices of tortillas, and then they put the stuff on top that you want - you know, like a Mexican Subway. Travalon and I had steak tortillas, Jilly Moose had a steak bowl, and OK Cap had a pulled pork burrito. Travalon made the astute observation that this place wasn't busy because it didn't serve what people really wanted on Cinco de Mayo - margaritas. Ah well, I probably saved a lot of calories (not to mention money) by not having a margarita and one of those amazing shrimp chimichangas. I was only down a fraction of a pound on this Weigh-In Wednesday, while Travalon was down two pounds. How? He cut out fancy coffee drinks. All I put in my coffee is cream - do I have to start drinking it black??

Famous Hat

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