Monday, July 12, 2021

Play-Doh Homework under Blacklight


I have been so busy this month that it wasn't until tonight that I had time to do my homework for the secret club I'm in. Our secret package contained a can of Play-Doh and some plastic circus monkeys, and we were supposed to create something. People had already posted cute creations - my favorite was a little forest of magical-looking mushrooms, but the magical glasses and the bright-orange cardinal were adorable too - but I had no inspiration, so I pleaded for help from the nearest source, Travalon. He said, "You rode a dolphin once, didn't you? Why don't you make a dolphin?" So I did, and I had two of the monkeys riding it. The background is a sea-colored swimsuit.

The bright pink color of the Play-Doh gave me hope that it would glow under my blacklight, and indeed it does!

Here you can see the other side of the dolphin as it swims by a waterfall under blacklight.

And my favorite - a dolphin in Madtown! Swimming right by the Monona Terrace!

It's like the people who run the club knew I would want a color of Play-Doh that glows under blacklight. They said the smell of the Play-Doh would take us back to childhood, and it kind of does, but I prefer being an adult and making things out of Play-Doh. Now I have a blacklight.

Famous Hat