Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Unexpected Hat


My regular readers may remember that I sometimes mention the Daughter of Denni on this blog. Denni's real name is Dennis, but apparently he took a computer programming class ages ago that cut off the S, so from then on he was known as Denni, pronounced "den-eye." He was the fittest retired guy I knew, biking everywhere, but he had battled cancer, and I thought he had beaten it. Apparently not, because a couple of days ago Rich sent me his obituary. This may explain why I hadn't heard any details about the Daughter of Denni's annual birthday biking trip, which she had said some months ago would happen this year. (It didn't happen last year, because nothing did.) I can see why they wouldn't have it now! But I think they might have one later in the year, or next year, in honor of Denni, because if there were two things he loved, they were biking and beer.

Also in sad death news, Dusty Hill died. My regular readers may remember how Travalon and I went to see ZZ Top in November of 2019, and good thing we did! Who knew it would be our last chance? They had the same lineup for over fifty years; as the lead singer said, "Same three guys... same three chords." Dusty was the bass player, and one of the two with the famous long beards. Ironically, the only guy without a beard is named Frank Beard.

In lighter news, the zodiac perfume people may not have been scamming me when they asked for my full name and date of birth, but they did get money out of me because I ended up buying some "Capricorn-scented" lotion from them out of curiosity. It arrived today, and so did a package I wasn't expecting, which just said it was from "Fulfillment Center" somewhere in California. What?? Should I open it? It didn't tick or anything, and in fact it felt really light, so I did open it, and then I just laughed. Back in June they said anyone who gave blood would get a free T-shirt, and they gave me one even though they rejected me. In July anyone who gave blood would get a free hat, but I tried twice to give and was rejected for a different reason every time, and nobody offered me a hat. But sitting there in the box that had just been shipped to me was a baseball cap that said: "American Red Cross." So now I can look like a blood donor and smell like a Capricorn. Life is good.

Famous Hat

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