Thursday, March 10, 2022

Fun and Delicious Ways to Support Ukraine


Yesterday when Travalon was going to bed and I was still up watching train videos because I'm lame, he came back into the living room and said, "It looks like Dandy Panda is kissing Peach Bear!"

Also yesterday, I finished the monthly challenge on DuoLingo:

Weirdly, it's March and I'm studying Irish, but the sticker has nothing to do with shamrocks.

Lots of companies are doing little things to help Ukrainians. For example, today I ordered a pizza from Salvatore's, and they donated $10 to World Central Kitchen to help refugees. The pizza was chicken Kyiv flavored, and it was called a "Russian Warship Go F&$k Yourself" pizza, after the famous incident a couple of weeks ago when the Russian warship attacked Snake Island. I had two Union meetings tonight (and a condo board meeting last night), so I told Travalon to go ahead without me, and he was surprised by how much he liked the pizza. I wasn't surprised, since I knew he loves chicken Kyiv.

Another thing I am doing is a virtual challenge for Ukraine. My regular readers may remember that I have done four of these virtual challenges so far, but this one is different because all the money goes to charity, so you don't get a medal when you finish, just a virtual sticker like the one above from DuoLingo. It has street views of Kyiv, since it's a 36-mile loop around the city, but of course the last two days it told me that no street view was available. I have gotten several virtual postcards of churches around the city, so that's cool. I had sort of wanted to do another challenge, but it seemed lame to pay for a silly medal when I'm going to walk anyway, so this one is perfect. I think Travalon might join me on it.

Famous Hat

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