Wednesday, October 19, 2022

The Late-to-the-Concert Workout


A mildly funny thing happened today: I forgot that there was a Just Bach concert at the Lutheran church where I used to sing, until checking my email. The concert started at noon and it was already nine after, but I walked as fast as I could and got there in time to hear the last piece. Then I took a long way back to the office to admire the trees on campus. Later when I checked my FitBit, the walk counted as a workout, and it had a divot in it from when I was sitting at the concert. I was there for so little time that my FitBit didn't consider it much of an interruption to my "workout"! I'd be more bummed about it if they didn't record every concert and post them online the following weekend. Also, think of how slow I am that it took me that long to walk - at my top speed, mind you! - two blocks. I really thought I'd catch half the concert...

Here are some more photos I took last week with my cell phone. They aren't that spectacular compared to Travalon's gorgeous photos from Sunday, but I took them, so I might as well post them.

What kind of flowering trees are these, blooming so late in the year?

People may wonder which do I like better: May with its flowers or October with its foliage? I have to give it to May, because October may look beautiful, but May also smells divine. Those colorful leaves don't have any particular scent, but I did wake up from a random dream this morning where Dwight from The Office was saying, "I love that fresh autumn scent in the air! I call it Lila Rose. What do other people call it? I DON'T CARE!"

Famous Hat

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