Friday, November 25, 2022

Cave of the Mounds Black Light Tour


Today Travalon and I had a very relaxing morning, then we went for a hike on Picnic Point. It was an incredibly beautiful day, sunny and in the 50's. We saw lots of coots.

We saw David Buoy, which marks the deepest point of the lake.

We saw the skyline with the Capitol building.

And did I mention lots of coots?

Also, this carved tree stump that was happy to see us.

Then we drove to Cave of the Mounds to take a black light tour, which was incredibly cool and beautiful. Here are some photos.

This formation glowed even after we took our lights off of it.

I took this photo with my cell phone camera.

There were some children on the tour, and their colorful shoes glowed under the black lights. There was a demon child too. He appeared to be an only child, and he was totally out of control. He screamed and ranted and did everything his parents asked him not to, and once we were in the cave he demanded to get out of it and kept shining his black light in his dad's eyes just like he was told not to. Is that bad parenting, bad diet, or what? He was enough to scare people sterile!

After that Travalon dropped me off at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church for an early music concert, and he went to Leopold's and then checked out some other places on Monroe Street for the next time we do Today Fest. I really enjoyed the concert, which had a lot of little-known composers featured, but the works by Handel and Telemann were much more engaging. There's a reason they're better known.

Famous Hat

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