Tuesday, November 15, 2022

No Trucks Over Thirty


Today on the way to work I saw a sign that said: "No Trucks Over 30." I think there might have been a little foot marker after the 30, which makes sense - no trucks over thirty feet - but I like to think it was a sort of, "Don't trust anyone over thirty" for the four-wheeled set. It's funny if you think about that saying, because the actual people who said it are probably now like, "Don't trust anyone under sixty." It also makes me think of those celebrity men who won't date women over twenty-five even as they approach twice that age themselves. "No women or trucks over thirty!" Who knew vehicles could be victims of ageism? Most people wouldn't actually want to drive a truck that old, unless it was a really cool vintage truck that was in pristine shape. Anyway, I just thought it would be a good blog post title, and then I had to explain it.

Yesterday and today at work I participated virtually in the Diversity Forum. Back before COVID it was in person, and this year they had it in person again for the first time since then, but I didn't sign up in time so I had to do the virtual option. In person you get free lunch, and more importantly you can concentrate on the discussions. I didn't take into account how exhausting it is to be doing two things at once, listening to a talk on diversity and also working on an expense report. By the end of the day today, my brain was mush. There were some interesting talks, like one on caste issues in this country that I had never considered, and the keynote speaker showing a picture of a burlap sack embroidered by a slave woman to carry her daughter's possessions, since she was being sold - the mom wrote, "My love will always go with you." Was someone cutting an onion in my office? Because man, were my eyes watering! But I'm not gonna lie, some of the talks about how to do a climate survey and things like that were not too engaging, and so that's when I did expense reports. I thought it would be relaxing to spend two days passively listening to talks, but now I'm looking forward to "regular" work. Next year I'll just have to sign up in time to attend the forum in person. The one I really miss is the wellness forum - that's the one where I've done chocolate tasting, Latin drumming, planting a succulent (that is now dying), and improv class. No way to do those things virtually!

Famous Hat

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