Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Photos from China Lights: Alice in Wonderland Edition

Happy All Saints' Day! It was a gorgeous day, and I worked from home, so I went out on frequent walks and ate crabapples. Did you know that crabapples and apples are the same? They are just different varieties of the same tree. Some are bred for the color and fragrance of their blossoms, so the fruit tend to be small and not so tasty, while others are bred for large, delicious fruit. The rule is that if the fruit is less than two inches in diameter, it's a crabapple. This particular one has fruit about an inch in diameter, and it tastes like sour apple candy. So delicious!

As promised, here are some photos of China Lights.

Here are some of the Alice in Wonderland displays.

Some of these teacups have keys in them.

This peacock changed colors.

There were funhouse mirrors. Look how long my torso is, and how short my legs are!

Now look how long my legs are!

Cheshire Cat tunnel!

Sorry, no photos of Organ Pipe Pizza. I will try to make a movie of the videos I made of the organist there, as well as the two budgies talking - one in Irish! And the other with a goofy accent.

Famous Hat

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