Thursday, December 8, 2022

Almost Like Christmas (It IS a Feast Day)


Sorry that I haven't blogged in several days. Tuesday after Adoration I was just too tired, although my eye was a lot better. Last night Travalon and I went to Mass in Waunakee for the Feast of the Immaculate Conception, since I had a meeting tonight, then we looked at Christmas lights up there. We went through the Rotary Lights display, and we went to the house that has a light display set to music. One song was a kid singing about how he farted on Santa's lap - there really is a Christmas song for every occasion! 

Today was an eventful day. At lunchtime I went to give blood, and it took them half an hour to figure out if I could give while on steroid eye drops, then it only took five minutes for the donation itself. They always tell me I'm faster than average, which I chalk up to drinking so much water. Afterwards there were packaged goodies, but I made a beeline for the homemade Christmas treats. Not long after that, one of our professors and one of our grad students (but from different programs, so I'm not sure if they know each other) were in the middle elevator in our building when it got stuck!!! It took the experts forty-five minutes to rescue them - yikes!! This is why I have always heeded the advice of a coworker back at the hospital, who said if you have to pee, do it BEFORE getting into the elevator. This is further proof that our building hates us and wants to kill us, but again there is no plan to renovate or rebuild it.

Here are some recent pictures. Duolingo gave me a year-end report, and apparently I rock.

Yesterday on my lunchtime walk, I saw this adolescent swan among the mallards and coots. Is my buddy the coot among them? I sure hope so! I never found him on Tuesday.

I posted a photo of this house in a nearby neighborhood last year, but this year they seem to have even more plastic light-up snowmen. Where do they store them in the offseason? 

This evening felt like Christmas came a few weeks early, because first our Ice Age Trail patches arrived in the mail, and then I was going through stuff we had bought in the last few months, and I had forgotten about some of it myself, like this cuddly horse and cool hat from the Ukraine festival.

And I had completely forgotten about this larger cuddly bubble tea.

This is yet another blacklight poster with mushrooms on it. At least it's different - the first two were identical, so one is at Rich's house, since he has a blacklight too.

I had completely forgotten about this T-shirt that I got at an antiques shop. It doesn't glow under blacklight, alas, but it's so beautiful.

I got this bag and pillow for hardly anything at St. Vinny's during Street Fest. I know I got some other stuff too, so I'll have to hunt that down. Like, there were some stuffies. Look for those photos in a future blog post. And oh yeah, I forgot about the unicorn seahorse.

I got these treasures, including a chakra pyramid and a pyrite pyramid, on the trip I took with Tiffy to Galena.

And these are the crystals from my first eight days of the Advent calendar!

For some reason one day there was that little turquoise triangle in with the big crystal, so is it a bonus crystal? It came with the big red one on the top row on Sunday. Aren't they lovely? And I'm only a third of the way through the calendar. This is the best Advent calendar ever!

Tonight Travalon and I tried Stephen Colbert's Ben and Jerry's ice cream flavor, Americone Dream. It's so good! Travalon said he could eat a gallon of it. It's vanilla with a caramel swirl and chocolate-covered pieces of waffle cone. I'm surprised that, as such a huge fan of Colbert, I haven't tried it before, since he's always talking about it on his show. Plus the proceeds go to charity, so it's win-win-lose... for my waistline. My old boss Handywoman once suggested a flavor of ice cream to Ben and Jerry's for a contest, and she won, so she got free ice cream and a trip to somewhere tropical. Now I'm forgetting all the details (was it in the Caribbean? did the flavor include chocolate?), but how cool is that?

Famous Hat

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