Tuesday, December 13, 2022

How Can Syncopated Music Be Evil?


What is this thing going on now where, if someone doesn't agree with you, they must be evil? It's bad enough when it's politics, but music? There are people online who say syncopated music is Satanic. What?? I mean, I can't stand music that isn't syncopated, but it never occurred to me to call it evil. In this case there may be something really sinister there, because white people music is often not syncopated, while black and Latin music usually is. I think it's very dangerous to call people who don't agree with you "evil." Evil is doing cruel things to animals and children, it's not listening to syncopated music. But if you say those "other" people are evil, it's so much easier to justify treating them cruelly and thus becoming the evil person yourself. I certainly have great concerns about this with political differences, because of the people I know who say the other side is evil, it's the side with the guns saying it. Yikes!

On a lighter note, here are some photos from Travalon's recent trip to the zoo. Sigh... Blogspot loaded them out of order again. Here is the tiger from Zoo Lights with an actual tiger behind it.

More Zoo Lights.

Look! The aardvark is up and about again for the second time in a row!

Here are a couple of birds.

And Travalon's favorite - the red panda!

These are some wild asses. Their legs are striped like a zebra's.

The alpacas always look so cuddly.

And here is a noble lioness sitting on a rock.

Nothing to report about my day; I worked from home and did some expense reports and scholarships. Tomorrow there was going to be a Yule fire after work, but they canceled it because some bad weather is coming. I can already hear the wind howling around the windows.

Famous Hat

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