Thursday, December 15, 2022

Gloggfest and the Decorated Neighborhood in Sun Prairie


This morning on the way to work we saw two crazy things: a bus driver hanging his lunch out the window so it would stay cold, and a car with Christmas lights on it. It was snowy, but not as bad as last Friday, so imagine our surprise that the schools were closed when they were open on Friday. Travalon didn't have to go into work (like he did on Friday), and my boss worked from home. I wore purple for a retirement party, because it's the retiree's favorite color, but after I got to work I found out that they postponed the party until next Tuesday... when I have a dentist appointment. Do I really want to reschedule the appointment? Maybe I can go to the party and then sneak out early to the dentist...

At least the other reason I came into work today did happen, Gloggfest! (I think there's supposed to be a line through the o, but whatever. I don't do accent marks - just ask Duolingo.) They haven't had it since the pandemic, but before that people had brought ukuleles, so this time I asked if I could bring mine too. It turns out one ukulele player is no longer around, and the other had a broken pinkie finger, so she asked if I could lead the playing. She sent me the chords, and they were easy on the mandolin but not chords I know well on the ukulele, so I brought the mandolin to work today. The ukulele player and I ran through the chords briefly before Gloggfest in the room where they had brewed the glogg, so it smelled wonderful. Glogg is mulled wine. There were lots of other treats there too, and they are Scandinavian cookies so they aren't as sweet, which means I like them better and ate more of them. I was a little scared to play these songs I barely knew, but after people had treats and glogg, they were happy to sing with great gusto, and I think we instrumentalists did a good job keeping them in tune. Success! I'm not sure what I was so scared about, since playing the mandolin is second nature to me. The ukulele, now that's a different matter. I have played it in public, but only among tons of other ukuleles. Travalon came in time to hear me play, and he got some treats too. He didn't really care for the glogg. On the way home we drove up to Sun Prairie to check out a neighborhood where people really decorate their houses. We took some photos.

And here are some photos from earlier in the day, of the Winter Wonderland on campus. Some of these are the same scenes I featured back in October, when the foliage was so colorful.

And remember the two little snowmen I posted a few days ago? Someone rebuilt them with more detail.

Now they are even cuter!

Famous Hat

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