Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Very Christmasy Day


I forgot to mention that yesterday morning I was a bit groggy at work, despite my usual cup of coffee at home. I went to the break room to pour myself a cup of coffee, and I took one of the little creamer containers, opened it, threw the cream in the wastebasket, and threw the empty container in my coffee cup. Whoops! It's so hard to make coffee when you need coffee. I have tried to make it without grounds, without water, without a filter, and without the pot underneath to catch the brewing coffee.

Today was a pretty good day! I had some time before adoration last night, so I bought little tile coasters with Madison designs on them for my coworkers at one of the small shops on State Street. My one coworker had already given me some boughten cookies, so I knew we were all going to exchange presents. Today my boss gave me delicious homemade truffles that his school-aged sons helped him make, and another coworker gave me a basket full of homemade cookies, some trail mix that is super addictive, fridge magnets, glow-in-the-dark silly putty, Andes Candies, and some other random stuff. Wow! Even the basket is very nice. My other coworker and I were talking about how it was going to be an adventure bringing it home on the bus, but then we each found bags in our office to put the baskets in. Best of all, the faculty gave us all generous Christmas bonuses. 

I was feeling very in the Christmas spirit when I went to confession tonight, and it helped that the organist was practicing "O Holy Night." The person before me was in there so long that I expected a biker with tats who hadn't been to confession in ages, but it was a little old lady. What could she possibly have done wrong that would take that long to confess?? I will admit that I felt sort of pathetic after her, because I stated my sins, and the priest was just like, "Okay," and didn't ask for any details or clarification, and he certainly didn't laugh. Back in the day I could ALWAYS make priests laugh during confession, but now I'm old and boring and don't take hostages in the church parking lot anymore. So I was done in five minutes and sat praying my five Hail Marys, and then when I got home, Travalon was already home. We are now holed up here, with no plans to leave the house until Christmas Eve Mass, or possibly Christmas morning Mass. They are saying we are going to be blanketed by snow, and then there will be fierce winds blowing it around, so travel will be difficult. I can work from home tomorrow, and Travalon has the day off, then we both have Friday off. My exciting snowed-in plans are a Christmas cleaning of this place.

Famous Hat

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