Saturday, March 11, 2023

Bach Around the Clock


Yesterday it was snowing very hard in the morning, so I worked from home. Travalon dropped me off at work in the afternoon, then I walked downtown and hung out until an organ concert at the Lutheran church where I used to sing. It was part of the "Bach Around the Clock" festival, and afterwards there was a reception with all sorts of treats. Of course, I have given up sugar for Lent, so I only had cheese and crackers - even alcohol is sugar, so I didn't indulge in the wine or beer either. Travalon had some treats when he came to pick me up. I saw all sorts of people there, church organists and people from the Lutheran choir, and of course Kathbert and Pete the Sailor Man. It was a lot of fun.

Today Travalon and I had a relaxing morning watching Pixar shorts, then we went to Sauk and saw one eagle sitting in a tree across the river at the dam. We went to Wollersheim and had lunch at their bistro, then Travalon dropped me off at the Episcopal church on Regent Street, where the Bach Around the Clock festival had been going on since ten in the morning. I found Pete the Sailor Man, Kathbert, and Richard Bonomo sitting together, so I squeezed in next to them to listen to my former OTHER choir director play Bach on the organ. Afterwards there was birthday cake for Bach's birthday, and it was evening by then, so I indulged because I can have sugar on Sundays. The four of us did our annual ritual of putting flowers on Mr. Why's grave and taking a photo to send to his mother, then Rich, Pete, and I had dinner at the Mexican restaurant right by Rich's house. By the time we left dinner, it was starting to snow again. Seeing all this snow does give me an urge to go cross country skiing. I haven't done that in years.

Here are some recent photos. The first are some ring-necked ducks Travalon saw off our dock.

And this is the local crane couple. Some people call them Frazier and Lileth. We had been calling them Bob and Hitachi.

Here are photos from Sauk. This is looking back at Prairie du Sac from the dam.

Here is the eagle.

At the reception after the concert today, I said something that Rich said sounded like a song title, but later we couldn't remember exactly what it was. Something about working around the start of the darkness, and I said it would be a good blog title, but now I can remember it even less than we could on the ride home. I did say at dinner that Rich was the most Aquarius person ever, in fact he was the Aquariest, so I thought about making that the blog post title, but then I decided, why not call it Bach Around the Clock? That was a big part of my day, after all.

Famous Hat

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