Sunday, March 5, 2023

Sleepy Sunday Spaghetti Sauce


I forgot to blog about this yesterday, but Friday I took the morning off of work to get our taxes done, and then Travalon and I went to the Tenney Locks to see if any birds were there. We did see some goldeneye ducks. I love their crazy mating dance, when the male throws his head back.

This guy seems to be kicking his feet up too!

Here is the female goldeneye, looking all come hither:

And here is the photo of the Best Westerns (or most of them, since I seem to have cut off the slide guitarist at the far right of the photo) from when we saw them Friday night at the Red Rooster.

Last night when we came home from swimming, I saw that Venus and Jupiter are still close, but not like photos people posted on social media from Wednesday, when they were right next to each other. I forgot to look early Wednesday evening, and by the time I ran out to look, it was clouded over.

Today after Mass, Travalon and I drove with Cecil Markovitch out to Ridgeway, to a spaghetti dinner at St. Bridget. Here is a photo of the inside of the church.

We didn't eat there, of course - we were in the basement. The Single B-Boy and his mother met us there, and later the Dairyman's Daughter joined us. The Knights of Columbus put on the spaghetti dinner, and one was wearing an apron that said, "You know it tastes right if it was cooked by a Knight." The portions were huge, so we were a bit sleepy afterwards, and Cecil missed a turn and got onto Highway H, a very beautiful, windy backroad. That took us to Highway 14, so we stopped in Cross Plains for some coffee and a walk on the boardwalks, since it was such a gorgeous day. Cecil was very happy about the coffee; he said, "What did they put in that spaghetti sauce? I can't stay awake!" Travalon was still sleepy when we got home, so he took a nap while I was supposed to be in Irish class...

...only, I'd forgotten my Irish peeps were all in Milwaukee for an Irish weekend, so I went for a long walk. It had cooled off a lot by then, and clouded over, and gotten windy, so it wasn't as pleasant as the walk in Cross Plains. I did see a pair of ducks off the dock where the female was a mallard and the male was one of those "tuxedo" ducks that is black with a white chest. Then I came in and did the crossword puzzle about our former chancellor that was in the program for her funeral, since she was apparently also a crossword puzzle fiend.

When Travalon got up, we went to Zippy Lube to get some chicken. They said it would be forty minutes, so we went for a walk. When we got back, they said it was still going to be a while, but they gave us our sides, so I snacked on some macaroni and cheese and some coleslaw. Then they gave us two chicken sandwiches for free: a spicy one that I ate and a regular one that Travalon ate. They said since it was the end of the day, they were giving us a bunch of free stuff, so even though we had ordered a four-piece of fried chicken, they gave us sixteen pieces!! By then I was too full to eat the fried chicken... and then they brought us a donut, so we split that. I am beyond feeling guilty about yesterday, because I remembered today that it was Vivaldi's birthday yesterday, and I hadn't celebrated... and then I thought nope, I did - I had cake and ice cream and punch! Tomorrow I'll be back to my Lenten penance.

Famous Hat 

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