Monday, March 20, 2023

St. Patrick's Day 2023


Sorry that it has been so long since I blogged. I was very busy on Friday and Saturday, and then yesterday I felt awful. Still not feeling 100%. Friday Tiffy came to town, and our big plan was to meet Jilly Moose and Hockey Girl at the Harmony Bar to see Irish music, but it was packed in there!! We decided to get dinner at a nearby Laotian restaurant, then we talked about other places to hear Irish music, but in the end Hockey Girl just headed home after dinner. The rest of us went to Tiffy's sister's place and watched a TV show about zoo animals, so that was our exciting St. Patrick's Day. At least Jilly Moose and I had seen the band the Sunday before, at the Brink Lounge.

Saturday Travalon and I met Tiffy and Rich for coffee, then Travalon spent the day at the Kohl Center watching the state high school basketball tournament. Tiffy and I just kind of hung out, getting lunch at Himal Chuli, walking at East Towne Mall because it was so cold outside, and of course getting bubble tea, although I got mine unsweetened and unbubbled due to Lent. We spent a lot of time just hanging out in the beautiful top floor gathering space of her sister's apartment building, watching it snow on and off. Eventually we met Rich at the Mexican restaurant right by his house, then he had us over for his famous brownies, because Tiffy had never tried them. By then it was after sundown, so I had a brownie too. We talked a long time, and Travalon was surprised that he beat me home.

Sunday I woke up feeling awful, and we didn't go to Mass right away. Someone posted that there were hundreds of swans on the part of the river with the little island, so we headed up there (really close to the church where we often go to Mass), and Travalon took photos. When we got home, I took a COVID test, but it was negative, so that's a relief. Still, we had to drag ourselves to the Shamrock Club St. Patrick's Day party... and we got there a little late and missed most of the band I had wanted to see on Friday, who were there playing. Oops! Travalon was just happy he could watch the Badgers win their second NIT game. We only bought three raffle tickets, and two of them were winners, so we came home with a bright green Aran wool cable-knit sweater and some CDs. I felt so sorry for the woman across the table from us, who had a bunch of raffle tickets and didn't win a single thing. Some people won a lot, but they seemed to have bought dozens of tickets.

We were supposed to go to a friend's mother's funeral out of town, but Travalon let our friend know we were sick, and he napped while I took the world's slowest rosary walk outside. I had already said I'd miss Irish class for the funeral, and I didn't have much of a voice, so I skipped it. More sadly, I had to miss our first band practice in months. After all the jonesin' I've been doing to make music with others! We did go to the 5 pm Mass at our usual church downtown, but I sat through the whole thing because I was so light-headed when standing. It wasn't so bad when moving, so I did go up for communion. Then we had a very quiet evening and went to bed very early, by our standards.

This morning I woke up in time to get to work, but after actually getting out of bed, I realized it made no sense to go into work. I did work from home, but maybe that was a mistake - I've never had so many people respond to my emails with, "You are completely misunderstanding what I'm asking for." Somehow I did make it through the work day (and tomorrow I'm working from home anyway, so I get another day to recover), then when Travalon came home, we went to the dock to see if we could find the swans we could hear. They sound like puppies yelping. They kept flying by, and one flock flew right overhead, but Travalon didn't have his camera ready, so no photo of those. Here are some other photos. First are the swans we saw yesterday on the Upper Yahara, with some Canada geese, mallards, and what are either graylag geese or snow geese.

In these two photos, you can clearly see the other kind of goose.

Here are more of that other kind of goose.

Here is an action shot of a Canada goose.

Why is this swan all alone with the ducks and geese?

This morning around ten Travalon and I took a walk out to the dock, and we saw a pair of common mergansers. The male has a black head, and the female has a brown head.

Then this evening after work, we saw tundra swans flying in front of the sunset.

I hope you enjoy this extra-long blog post. I should get to bed if I have any hope of getting over whatever virus this is.

Famous Hat

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