Monday, August 9, 2010

I Missed Shark Week

On Friday I was wearing a Hawaiian shirt as usual (if you don’t know why, rent the movie Office Space – go on, I’ll wait) and a necklace that resembles shark teeth. When I got on the bus, the bus driver commented that I had dressed for Shark Week, and A-Joz and I had a good laugh about that, thinking she was making it up. However, as we walked up the hill to work, still laughing about it, another woman said that Shark Week was actually the week before.

“You’re messing with me,” I said. “I know you are. You’re a Gemini.”

However, she insisted that it had been Shark Week on the Discovery Channel, and anyway, if she were messing with me, it would be because she was a Monkey. I said as a Pig I am too trusting and would probably believe her, but as a Capricorn I am cynical, and she said, “You must experience a lot of cognitive dissonance: ‘I want to believe you, but I just can’t!’”

When I got to work and mentioned the story to my office mate Light Bright, she said, “Shark Week! That’s on the Discovery Channel!” Now as my 3.8 faithful readers well know, I do not own a TV and therefore cannot verify the existence of “Shark Week,” but having it independently verified by two sources would seem to be more than a coincidence. So I missed this momentous occasion, which Toque McToque (yet a third source of verification) tells me happens every year, but as she pointed out, at least I can accessorize for it. Now that I know, next year I will try to celebrate Shark Week appropriately.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

Interesting. Did you know that Sept is National Feral Cat Month so that means I can bite, hiss, scratch and claw and everyone

Famous Hat said...

Amazing how you can bring up cats in a comment about a post on sharks. See my post titled: "Obsession."