Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Searching for Schrezeprot

While spellcheck is a wonderful invention for the many bad spellers out there, it can only correct some of the errors. Light Bright my office mate is an excellent case in point of those whose errors are so far from the correct spelling that spellcheck is stumped when trying to suggest an alternative spelling. She once got very frustrated while trying to Google the city of Shreveport, Louisiana, despite asking me multiple times how to spell it. Finally I got up to look at what she was typing into the Google search: Schrezeprot. Huh. Wonder why Google couldn’t find that? But if she couldn’t spell it correctly even after asking, is it any wonder that she couldn’t get close enough for Google to at least guess at what she was searching for?

Then there is the other type of spelling errors spellcheck does not even notice, because Light Bright uses a correctly-spelled word in the incorrect way. I was looking over some dictation she had done and found the following, which I have compiled into one sentence for your convenience: “A resent study looked at the peek flow of Finish patience.” Does this study begrudge someone furtively looking to see if understanding is over? Because surely it is not about a rather new study that examined the highest exhalation rate of people from Finland who were under a doctor’s care. That would be totally different.

Famous Hat


Hardingfele and Plysj said...

“A resent study looked at the peek flow of Finish patience.”

A recent study looked at the peak flow of Finnish patients.

Did I get it right?

And this person PASSED probation?

Famous Hat said...

Not only that, but they are grooming her to replace me because they feel my accuracy is not good.