Monday, September 23, 2013


I completely forgot to mention Jilly Moose’s birthday last Wednesday! We went out to dinner at the fake Irish pub. This weekend I had a pretty mellow time, especially after Richard Bonomo forced me to hike at top speed and then lift weights on Saturday afternoon; I was so worn out that in the evening I just stayed at home and talked to Ma Hat on the phone. She says she has been reading this blog regularly, so hi, Ma!

Yesterday a coworker had a party with a bunch of people from her Italian class, and she invited Travalon and me to stop by, so we did. It was a beautiful, sunny day so we sat in her backyard most of the afternoon, although we did spend some time inside watching that heartbreaking Packers game. Rich has a professor and his grad student who are visiting from Japan staying at his house, and we happened to run into them at a coffee shop. The only reason we had gone there is because they served decaf coffee with brunch at church to celebrate our long time organist’s retirement, so I was jonesin’ for caffeine. Rich suggested the coffee shop by his house, and lo and behold, there his houseguests were. After the party at my coworker’s house, Travalon and I went to Rich’s house to see if we could find the two Japanese academics, but they were visiting someone else and didn’t come back until after Travalon had headed home. The professor is very funny, but of course now I cannot think of a single funny thing he said, so that might have to wait for another blog post.

Right now my big decision is whether I should go to Beloit for a gig or not. I could use the money, and the band might prefer it if I don’t back out on them, although Hardingfele has made it quite clear she would love to get her share of my pay. Plus we’ll all be shoved into a little Prius for a very long ride. If I stay in town, Catzookz’s boyfriend is having his birthday party that evening. To top it all off, the songs we were asked to do for this gig are all new ones we have never played before, and I have missed both of our rehearsals on them. Let me know in the comments what you would do in my shoes.

Famous Hat


Travalon said...

Flip a coin, and not a two-headed one if you call "heads" for going to the party over the gig in Beloit- lol.

Hardingfele said...

Well the gig ends at 10, so we can get down with our bad selves at a hip hop bar in Beloit. Perhaps we can even twerk!